
BSO Products of Ireland Rebranding

The mission at Broad Spectrum Oil Products of Ireland is to provide premium and organic CBD to maximize the promotion of health, balance, and healing of the mind. The client wants a more sleek look that leaves a feel of Ireland.

Previous Logo

Previous Logo

with logo incorporated into the logotype.

BSO-only whie logo-01.png
BSO-only black logo-01.png
Combined Ireland's Trinity Knot with the Hexagon in the CBD Formula

Combined Ireland's Trinity Knot with the Hexagon in the CBD Formula

The Celtic Christian church used it to represent the Holy Trinity. It is a symbol of Ireland’s ancient culture and it is sometimes called The Irish Love Knot. And so I added a hexagon from the CBD molecular structure to make it work.

Combined it all, fixed the font, and resulted in a newly designed logotype with a logo.

Combined it all, fixed the font, and resulted in a newly designed logotype with a logo.

Landing Page

Landing Page